Privacy Policy

Who we are is a website developed by OrionHTI LTD. The company is registered to the and follow the The Information Commissioner’s Office guidelines.

Registering to

Registration and user management is performed with third-party plugin offered by Google/Alphabet. We don’t store any of your information, your authentication credentials are stored in Google’s server. In our server we only store an anonymous user ID along with the portfolio that you saved.

Deleting your account

When you delete your account, we delete all your data from the server along with your credentials on the authentication server.

Who we share your data with

We don’t share any information with third parties.

How long we retain your data

We store data as long as you are a registered user in our website. When you decide to delete your account, all data will be deleted.

What rights you have over your data

You own all your data. If at any time you want to get all data linked to you account, please use the contact us page to reach out to us.