Unlock the full potential of your eToro investments

Create and analyze eToro Popular Investors portfolios with piScreener.

Data-driven insights to empower eToro investors in maximizing profits

Our goal is to help eToro investors to take better decision using data-driven analysis that are easy to interpret and adopt in their investment strategy. Using piScreener you can maximize their investment returns while minimizing the risk. We are making it easier to find the right popular investors and see how your performance compares to other eToro users or benchmarks.

Large range of analyses and tools specifically designed for eToro investors

Check below the list of features that are available on our app.

Analyze popular investors

Calculate a large number of statistics for your portfolio for any date interval you want. Total return, Sharpe ratio, alpha, beta, and more.

Simulate portfolios

Simulate a portfolio composed of multiple eToro investors, stocks, and smart portfolios. Calculate the combined performance and risk.


Compare your eToro statistics with an infinite number of benchmarks. You can create complex benchmark made by any combination of popular investors, stocks, and smart portfolios.

Portfolio risk analysis

With our risk analysis, you can calculate the risk score of your portfolio. You can also modify your portfolio, by adding or removing positions, and see how your risk score changes.

Popular investors ranking

Rank popular investors according the metrics that you prefer. Sharpe ratio, alpha, annualized performance, etc…

Smart portfolios ranking

Rank smart portfolios according the metrics that you prefer. Sharpe ratio, alpha, annualized performance, etc…

Find uncorrelated popular investors

Find investors to copy that are not correlated with your portfolio. By combining investors that are uncorrelated you can significantly reduce your risk and volatility.

Download your stats

Easily download your eToro statistics so you can import them in Excel or Google Sheet for personalized analyses.

Export your portfolio

Export your portfolios or the simulated portfolios in text format, so you can import that in your favorite portfolio management software.

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What people says about us


    eToro Investor

    It’s a great tool to compare eToro popular investors and find the next investor to copy. Super convenient!


      eToro Investor

      I like that I can see my performance and compare them with others on one page alongside my own, definitely, improving what we already have on eToro website.


        eToro Investor

        A lot of different features that help me with my eToro investments. I really love it, being able to see the performance of PIs side-by-side is very efficient, and there are some extra features you won’t find on the eToro website.


          eToro Investor

          I can’t believe this is all free, too good to be true, thank you. Definitely a must-try for anyone using copy trading system on eToro.


            eToro Investor

            Still a bit buggy at times but still does a good job comparing popular investors… Overall a very useful tool for all investors on eToro, I love to be able to connect directly to my eToro account.

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